Easy Tips To Maintain Your Upvc Windows
One of the biggest advantages of installing upvc windows at home is that they require very less maintenance compared to other window types. And if proper maintenance of these windows is done, one can increase their life-span multi-fold. Just a little effort will help you enhance the life of these windows significantly. Here we list down some easy maintenance tips that you must follow if you have upvc doors and windows at home: Clean the window frame at least twice a year: Experts advise to clean the window frames of your upvc windows at least twice every year. You can do this on your own without much of an effort. Simply open the windows and clean all the dust, dirt and cobwebs with the help of an old brush. Once you have done that, simply remove the dust with the help of a hose of a vacuum cleaner. Wipe the window frame with the help of a soft, cotton cloth which is soaked in a mixture of soap and warm water. While cleaning the windows, give more attention to the corners w...